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Author: Sarah

Good Lard

Good Lard

I love lard. There, I said it and I’m not ashamed who knows it. There exists today a small number of us who are on a mission to fight back against lard’s undeserved reputation as the cigarettes of cooking fats, and to help restore people’s faith in lard for the natural and, dare-I-say, healthy wonder that it is. We worship the lard, and it’s time that you accept the lard back into your hearts, and, more importantly, into your kitchens.



A choripán is what I like to think of as a Spanish or Mexican hot dog. It’s extremely simple to make and is a great option if you’re looking to add a little heat to your next cookout.

Longaniza de Chile

Longaniza de Chile

Today, I bring to you a semi-authentic version of Longaniza de Chile, which, in English, translates to Chilean Longaniza…I know, my Spanish is pretty impressive.