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Category: Butchery

Everything about butchering the beasts of the land!

Good Lard

Good Lard

I love lard. There, I said it and I’m not ashamed who knows it. There exists today a small number of us who are on a mission to fight back against lard’s undeserved reputation as the cigarettes of cooking fats, and to help restore people’s faith in lard for the natural and, dare-I-say, healthy wonder that it is. We worship the lard, and it’s time that you accept the lard back into your hearts, and, more importantly, into your kitchens.

The Grind

The Grind

With the recent news of pink slime being used in 70% supermarket ground beef, school lunches, and most fast food, many folks are hesitant to chow down on their beloved hamburgers…and tacos, spaghetti and meatballs, lasagna…So many great dishes are made with ground beef, but until recently, most people never questioned what their ground beef is made with. I’m going to show you where your ground beef is coming from (or at least where it should be coming from), a brief…

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